
O! The power of ‘time’ discipline

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Of the so many resolutions written down at the beginning of each year, how many of us have implemented all of them? If not, why?  In my quest to answer this, I am more or less being pulled to the fact that everything hinges on ‘time discipline’ and so in the coming articles, I will dwell on this very important subject – the discipline of time.

Firstly, what is discipline? The dictionary describes discipline ‘as a training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behaviour, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement’.  E.g., you realise your eating habits have resulted in producing an uncomplementary vertically challenged body out of you (another phrase for ‘fat’!).  And so you plan a diet plus exercises that would help you get back to your nice figure.  This obviously requires discipline, and discipline is not easy.  I have my mother at church, Pastor Aidah, who is succeeding in doing this …… BUT the cost thereof!!!  She will honestly tell you that it is hard, and requires a great amount of discipline attached to the period at hand, BUT the results are marvellous.

So from the above example we note that discipline is not genetic; neither is it instinctive nor inherited.  Rather it is learned.  In 1 Timothy 4:7-8, Paul exhorted young Timothy to ‘TRAIN HIMSELF’ to be godly.  That means that godliness cannot just be attained – one needs to train himself; i.e. discipline himself to achieve godliness.

Wherever we are, whatever we do, we will not move forward to the next level if we are not disciplined.  In our world today, marriages are in turmoil because of lack of discipline.  The success or failure of a nation is hinged on the discipline of its leaders to follow through godly principles.  Mention a list of successful churches that bear tangible lasting results, and you will see the culture of discipline being pivotal to bearing such results.

Let me close by saying this:  Disciplined person, with disciplined thoughts, with disciplined actions will rise from being just good to becoming great BUT a disciplined follower of Christ with disciplined thoughts and disciplined actions will disciple the nations.

Can I bring discipline to my area of thinking so as to have impact and influence?   Your time on earth is crucial and therefore needs a disciplined perceptive to all aspects of life. n

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